We do not sell anything here.
It's not that you pay for commands or permissions - we hope..
Donations are for the minecraft server only.
That means that the money goes in a pool for upgrading
the servers hardware or internet services (connection/hosting).
(The community takes part of deciding upgrades.)
Donators have access to some extra commands.
To be a donator, means not that you are god or you can do what ever
you want on our server. You still have to follow our rules.
Monthly costs:
- Gameserver
- Internet access
- Website
- Domains
- (xx.12.2010) +2GB = 4GB RAM [powered by Heinz]
- (01.05.2011) 750GB Backup HDD [powered by Heinz]
- (20.05.2011) +2GB = 6GB RAM [30 EUR]
- dedicated 60GB SSD
Donate 10 EUR or less
Golden $ in front of your nickname. (optional, set by operator)
Access to our finest golden apples and carrots. (/kit [goldenapple|goldencarrot])
A handshake from your favourite operator for donating.

Donate 10-19 EUR
Your own customized title in front of your nickname. (/ucp prefix)
Teleport players on accept to you. (/tpahere <nick>)
Warp spot travel. (/warp <location>)
Two handshakes from your favourite operator for donating.

Donate 20 EUR or more
Get your own customized title and nickname. (/ucp nickname <nickname>)
Set your own customized join and quit message. (/ucp [joinmsg|quitmsg] <message>)
Access to a complete set of our polished golden armour. (/kit goldenarmour)
UNLIMITED handshakes from your favourite operator for donating.

Donations so far: (a big HUG and thank you so much!)
- (19.02.2011) MaxZellner - 15 EUR
- (22.02.2011) Charliexyx - 50 EUR
- (02.03.2011) MaxZellner - 15 EUR
- (03.03.2011) octopodesrex - 15 EUR
- (08.03.2011) ReD_Ger - 25 EUR
- (30.03.2011) air1800 - 12 EUR
- (02.05.2011) unknown - 25 EUR
- (03.06.2011) linkmaster2207 - 20 EUR
- (03.06.2011) sticks2795 - 14 EUR
- not updating any longer..
we and our world members will appreciate that.

But remember - you still have to accept our rules.
Enter your minecraft account name as subject or message (in the paypal form).
Otherwise we maybe don't know who you are.