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World Operator!
World Operator!
Posts: 1123
Joined: 04 Jun 2011, 18:37
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Post by HP-Bot »

Please read the Commands & Plugins board
for detailed plugin themed commands and features.

Also check our main plugin for essential
and useful tools and commands. (HPMCore)


Guest (Default)
  • Accept the Rules
  • Build in the guest world
  • Use sign shops
  • Visit other worlds
  • Commands:
    • /spawn (teleport to the spawn point)
    • /sethome (set your home)
    • /home (teleport to your home)
    • /help (help pages)
    • /coords, /getpos, /whereami (current position coordinate)
    • /motd (message of the day)
    • /rules (print server rules)
    • /list [irc] (list online players)
    • /me <msg> (* nickname <msg>)
    • /channel, /ch [G|L], /tell <player> (chat channels / private chat)
    • /money [help] (currency/balance commands)
    • /lwc (chest protection)
    • /kill (kill yourself)
    • /tpaccept, /tpdeny (accept/deny teleport requests)
    • /crashserver (really crashs the server!)
Member, Farmer, Miner, Trader (including all lower rank conditions/permissions)
  • Roleplayer
  • Build in their towns
  • Create sign shops
  • Get materials from other worlds
  • Use cauldrons and other features (FalseBook)
  • Commands:
    • /back (teleport to latest location)
    • /colors (list chat colors)
    • /compass (compass direction)
    • /depth (current vertical position)
    • /dice [number] (roll the dice)
    • /distance (shows player distances)
    • /exchange <amount> (set sign shop exchange amount)
    • /goodie (get goodies - when available)
    • /invclear, /clearinventory (fill inventory with gold!)
    • /iteminfo [item/block] (information about items or blocks)
    • /time (display time in current world)
    • /seen, /whois, /whowas <player> (player information)
    • /town (town information)
    • /guest (invite guests to the main world)
    • /lol, /re, /wb, /love, /angry, /wtf (fun)
    • /slap <nick> (much fun)
    • /ping (server latency)
    • (LogBlock)
Trusted (including all lower rank conditions/permissions)
  • Known longer than a few weeks
  • Trusted by other members
  • Resident of a town
  • Decorate some spawn areas
  • Build bridges, elevators, gates (FalseBook)
  • Access to the creative world (not done yet!)
  • Commands:
    • /alias (manage alias commands)
    • /mblock (create/delete message blocks)
Vice Mayor (including all lower rank conditions/permissions)
  • Trusted World Member
  • Voted by two residents and the mayor
  • Commands:
    • n/a
Mayor, Baron, Earl (including all lower level conditions/permissions)
  • Good reputation
  • 3, 10, 15 or more residents
  • Assistant mayors become this rank once orginal mayors are king.
  • Commands:
    • /town [help] (manage a town)
Lord (including all lower level conditions/permissions)
  • Accepted by an emperor (nation owner)
  • 20 or more residents
  • Must own a town for longer than 3 weeks
  • Commands:
    • /kick, /ban (op commands)
King (including all lower level conditions/permissions)
  • Accepted by an emperor (nation owner)
  • 25 or more residents
  • Two towns or more (in one kingdom)
  • Commands:
    • n/a
Emperor (including all lower level conditions/permissions)
  • Don't ask for that rank. We will ignore..
  • Commands:
    • n/a
Donator Guard (including all lower level conditions/permissions)
  • Don't ask for that rank. We will ignore..
  • Good spelling and punctuation
  • Commands:
    • /god (enable godmode)
    • /tp (teleport to possible cheater/griefer)
    • /jail (make/release prisoner)
    • /mute (un/mute players)
    • /freeze (un/freeze players)
    • /kick, /ban, /unban, /banip, /unbanip (op commands)
Operator (including all lower rank conditions/permissions)
  • Don't ask for that rank. We will ignore..
  • Using IRC Chat
  • Over 18 years old
  • Commands:
    • moved to the operator board
  • Can do everything!
  • Commands:
    • * (wildcard)
    • /makepeace (makes worldpeace <3)
    • /thegoodstuff (secret command - oops, not secret any more..)
    • /shutdown, /banall (hyperactive control)
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Location: NRW, Germany


Post by HeinzPeter »

Added: Mayors
Enjoy your stay. HPM! GMAP! STATS!
Save the forests! WWF
Our empty YouTube Channel.
Ex World Owner!
Ex World Owner!
Posts: 629
Joined: 15 Dec 2010, 19:27
Nickname: stxyzth
Nation: Artesion Empire


Post by Stxyzth »

Added a condition to 'Trusted'.
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World Owner!
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Nickname: HeinzPeter
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Location: NRW, Germany


Post by HeinzPeter »

Added: conditions (King)
Enjoy your stay. HPM! GMAP! STATS!
Save the forests! WWF
Our empty YouTube Channel.
Ex World Owner!
Ex World Owner!
Posts: 629
Joined: 15 Dec 2010, 19:27
Nickname: stxyzth
Nation: Artesion Empire


Post by Stxyzth »

Updated Mayor
Added Lord conditions
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World Owner!
Posts: 1611
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Nickname: HeinzPeter
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Location: NRW, Germany


Post by HeinzPeter »

Added: Vice Mayor
Enjoy your stay. HPM! GMAP! STATS!
Save the forests! WWF
Our empty YouTube Channel.
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World Owner!
World Owner!
Posts: 1611
Joined: 14 Dec 2010, 23:00
Nickname: HeinzPeter
Nation: HP-EMPiRE
Location: NRW, Germany


Post by HeinzPeter »

Added: Emperor
(still needs to get updated - we are working on it.)
Enjoy your stay. HPM! GMAP! STATS!
Save the forests! WWF
Our empty YouTube Channel.
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World Owner!
World Owner!
Posts: 1611
Joined: 14 Dec 2010, 23:00
Nickname: HeinzPeter
Nation: HP-EMPiRE
Location: NRW, Germany


Post by HeinzPeter »

Updated! :-)
Enjoy your stay. HPM! GMAP! STATS!
Save the forests! WWF
Our empty YouTube Channel.