Glowford Industries™

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Glowford Industries™

Post by dodo2000107 »

Ok, well i had posted this in the Glowford projects and jobs topic, but not that many people check it out so I've decided to post it here as well, simply because the project would be so big. The text is written in a manner addressing you as if you are a resident of Glowford because i didn't change it. If you're actually patient enough to read this monster-sized text, then go ahead.

Ok, residents, get ready for some crazy ideas! Nocti, you've heard of them but now imma detail them! Ok, so here's what I got:
1.Glowford RedStone Laboratories™
2.Glowford Industries™
Both of these facilities would have a great purpose. Glowford redstone laboratories would be extremely beneficial. It would be an area where all types of redstone circuits, their purpose and how to use them would be exposed. There would also be mechanisms serving different purposes that would be invented, such as complex locks, hidden doors and material generators. Most circuits would run on a timer loop so you could see them in action, 24/7. We would also offer to build them for you and pay you to contribute, but you must first pass some tests to qualify for a job.

OK now that that's cleared, on with the jumbo-project!
Glowford Industries, we make EVERYTHING!

SO, Glowford industries would make applying for jobs have a real use! All these farmers, miners and other guys in other towns never really do anything. We will turn that around! Here, we will put all our best and loyal residents at work to... work in a factory! YES, that's what it is! A super-sized object production area! So far HPcraft plays it like in the old day, buy from a merchant, make it yourself or become a merchant in order to make pxlz. Not anymore! Here, doing your job will earn you SALARY! Salary will make you want to do your job! Doing your job will help the factory run! The running factory will make things! These things will be stored in a high-security multi-leveled storage area! There will be a giant MALL, where all these objects will be SOLD ALL OVER HPCRAFT! This will make revenue, to be able to pay your salaries and make MONEY! HAYO! This in turn will make Glowford's economy thrive! Make it a prosperous NATION and we shall PREVAIL! AND everyone will be well supplied for whatever they WANT!!! Here are the jobs!

2.Farmer! You shall use the farming complex in Glowford PROPERLY and sell stuff to US!

3.Lumberjack! How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (Try reading it out loud!). Yer job's gonna be to get wood son.

4.Builder! You will not get this job! Only HAND-PICKED people chosen by NOCTIFER (the #1 MAYOR!!!) and ME!

5. Organizer! You shall make sure everything stays organised, this includes taking all the materials and use our multi-leveled high-security storage area to put them in their respective area! You shall also supply shops!

6.Shop runner! You shall make sure that shops are made for everything! You shall keep it organised and make sure every shop is supplied at all times!

7.Aesthetics guy! WOO I CANT FIND A PROPER NAME FOR THIS, you shall make sure everything is LOOKING GOOD! You must have the eye of an artist and be able to point out everything that looks bad and help make it look great!

8.Crafter! You shall craft and smelt and whatever with all the items so that everything is produced, so you will use our multi-leveled high-security storage area and take some raw materials and make items with them! This means armor, tools, cakes (LIES) and other stuff that can be made! LADDERS!

9. Project supervisor! OK, only the most ACTIVE members of glowford that have the MOST TRUST will be able to apply for this job. You shall check on the project and make sure everything is going well, everyone's getting payed and the that everything is running smooth! I already assume that ME and NOCTIFER have this position by default, be we can't handle such a big project alone! People i would actually consider include : Whudson, MCCP (i didn't put you because maybe you don't want to, and i would respect that), Lyrewarlord, Sypress_wolf, and Carter33!!! (I really hope i'm right with trusting you, this will be your test, prove yourself worthy!) and NOCTIFER you may ADD to this list at any time!

10.Finance organizer! You may NOT apply! This is the person to who all the money goes to, all the shops will be selling in his name! He shall take care of paying and everything! Project supervisors shall report to him to tell him who need to be payed and how much, and he shall keep record by any way he feels like of how much people have been payed, what they've been producing, their activity and income and expenses!

11. Guard! You shall make sure that nothing fishy is going on. You will inspect to make sure all regulations are followed, nobody is exploiting anything and that nothing is being stolen etc. You NEED to have trusted rank to be able to use log block! You shall make sure that everything is done properly, as an example inspect shops to make sure they are all selling in the name of the finance organizer and nobody else. You shall report fishy happenings in Glowford's projects and jobs topic and report greifs in the OFFICIAL GREIF REPORTS topic on the board.

12.Last but not least! Advertiser! This part is one of the most important, and best of all, anybody can do it! You don't even need to apply! Not only will you be beneficial to Glowford, but to HPcraft TOO! YOu will go anywhere, wether it be on other servers, youtube, forums, real life or anywhere else you can this of, you shall advertise our beautiful server, HPcraft and encourage new members to join glowford! You WILL get payed if you provide sufficient proof you have brought people to the server AND into glowford, this means both! It means you brought somebody from anywhere on the internet or real life, got him to join HPcraft and then got him to join Glowford! How much you get payed will depend, if it was a one time thing, you will be payed less than somebody who brings in 3 members a week for example.


Disclaimer : If you die because you played too much minecraft to work in this project, nobody can be held accountable but yourself! (like this will happen, i did wrote for fun!)

Certain people will not be allowed to do certain jobs, and certain jobs you may not apply for, use common sense. If you wish to do any of these jobs, apply in Glowford's projects and jobs topic or in-game to a project supervisor and you will be informed whether you fit for the part, the implications and requirements. You may lose your job at any time and for any reason at all, should you be fired, you may not contest and a project supervisor will not be required to provide an explanation, although he may if he wants to, thus why you need to be so highly trusted to be that rank.
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Re: Glowford Industries™

Post by drakee510 »

And hows that working out for you?
Just read the next post, not my sig :P
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Re: Glowford Industries™

Post by dodo2000107 »

well, it never went through, but glowford is still well equipped with mass production devices, but yeah, you'd need a lot of people, just like panem, except this was limited to residents of glowford.
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