*afk* ;)

Talk about that, this and about these golden apples here.
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*afk* ;)

Post by ReD_Ger »

Hey everyone,
Miriko and me are out for some days.
i think, maybe from time to time we will visit u for a few minutes but atm not much more.

we have some stress atm and also both of us stopped smoking last weekend,
so trust me - being far away from us is a nice thing atm ;)
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Re: *afk* ;)

Post by Stxyzth »

You'll both be missed <3.
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Re: *afk* ;)

Post by MaxZellner »

Man da haut er ab ohne was zu sagen :???:
Wenigstens weiss ich jetzt was los is.
hoffe du kommst bald wieder (und fangst wieder zum rauchen an... oder auch nicht)
ich vermiss dich soo :cry:

For all english guys: http://www.translator.google.com :ugly:
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Re: *afk* ;)

Post by kyborek »

You know that translators are like "WTF is he talking about" - > "WTF spricht er"
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Re: *afk* ;)

Post by Cjvalentine »

Aw man I was wondering were you went. :? But its good thing your trying to quit smoking but, :arrow: like all addictions don't just stop one random day. You will suffer a lot more then if you were to gradually stop. But hey atleast your trying keep up the good work :thumbs: and take as much time as you need :D
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