!!! viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1606#p5030
- notice: <last check: 21.11.2011 06:06 CET>
- ident: <rapture>
- autoupdate: <yes>
- updatetopic: <not available>
- king: <>
- mayor: <boucherj>
- assistants: <laserhog>
- residents: <Mcconmat,IAreFatBoy,Slayerr555,boucherj,
- banned: <>
--Rapture will be a town based on another brilliant game, Bioshock. It will be an underwater city, hence the need for a large ocean area, with a light house as the portal room to and from CS. Please note this is the real post and laserhog's becomes invalid.
Respect your fellow man: NO GRIEFING and no bullying
Respect your seniors and leaders, they are in a position of power for a reason
Follow the building style, any building in a different style will be warned, and if no action is taken, demolished.
Ask Laserhog or myself for a plot of land to build on
understood heinz, but for our new city we require a large body of water, and this was the only 1 large enough nearby. i understand if u decline it but please think about it =D