Please read, kinda important (CJ Possible down time)

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Re: Please read, kinda important (CJ Possible down time)

Post by iScreamRiot »

Rofl just today it happen to me and i just moved in yesterday to peaks!
X: 436
Y: 61
Z: -392
Last edited by iScreamRiot on 16 Aug 2011, 05:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please read, kinda important (CJ Possible down time)

Post by MaxZellner »

As far as I know is this a bug with minecraft
Sadly this is not fixable yet.

Affected are: Signs, Chests. (They get reset, -> no text on signs, no items in chests)

More Information and updates about this issue: Here and Here

What I recommend to do: Try to make a block out of every item (e.g. Diamond block) and just place them.

Please, let everyone know about this!

Lewis Bear (Piedo_Bear) wrote:This is still persistent and a very annoying bug. Repeated teleporting between two far enough regions recreates this. Also, once it has happened if you WorldEdit //paste a sign with text on, the sign will appear without text every time, so its easy to find chunks affected since you cannot paste signs with text. If you then put a sign with text on that chunk and walk away (unload it) the sign gets wiped.
Bodo Eggert (7eggert) wrote: To me it happens in one (or some) chunk(s) where I put a lot of redstone chips, which requires a lot of signs. If I don't load the redstone chip plugins, the signs and chests stay intact. I did not try changing a sign yet, but using a chest did not cause problems (maybe it wasn't unloaded).
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