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Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 22:10
by lukegottesman
i was greifed by basto11 he went to my house and took 64 iron some dimonds and all of our food i caught him in the act and he was jumping on my plants when i ported in and i told him to stop and he left. he not only took my stuff but the stuff in our storage chests that grimm hinh and i all spent days colecting
i would really like to get this stuff back because we really dont have any thing else left and he took all of our food and broke our farm

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 23:19
by sismut
1) what is so hard on following report format?

  • I have been griefed by: <player> (if you know)
    Location: <zone|town> (remember that not every world is supported)
    Damage in words: <short explanation>
    Damage in blocks: <amount> (guess something)
    Other information: <long explanation | images>

2) we have chest protection, why were not your chests locked?

3) if you would not wasted your Sign in attempts, you could live in members world, where is less griefers

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 00:57
by fissnoc
I have been griefed by: unknown
Location: <Crixville>
Damage in words: <Personal failure. Chest not locked>
Damage in blocks: <2 diamond, 9 golden apples, 12 or so iron ingots among other things>
Other information: <An unknown player went through my chests and took valuable things. I locked them and the player (or another player) came back and stole the coal out of my furnaces and broke some blocks to get around my door even though it wasnt locked. This happened after I got a new neighbor but he denied any involvement.>

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 01:43
by dodo2000107
fissnoc wrote:Chest not locked
Sorry, but there is nothing an admin can do. Chests are not logged and there is no way of finding out who stole from you. So, as a note to everybody who posts here, reports on unlocked chests are ignored by admins and your stuff is lost for good.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 05:40
by fissnoc
Fair enough. Just thought I would put it out there.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 10 Jul 2012, 06:39
by JeffR110
broke some blocks to get around my door
even if it isnt the same person, someone broke blocks to get into your house. Those blocks will be logged with who did it.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 16:51
by Sypress_Wolf
I have been griefed by: <janusnyborg1>
Location: <Guest World 2>
Damage in words: <broke into castle, broke my walls took Jack'O lanterns, and stole all my blocks of wool>
Damage in blocks: <67>
Other information: <i surrounded my castle in the guest world (which i built to help new players) with a gate so no greifers could get in, but still i find they do, so far ive found minor damage from multiple players but janusnyborg1 seems to have done the most. | IMAGES:" onclick=";return false; |" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; |" onclick=";return false; |" onclick=";return false; |" onclick=";return false; |" onclick=";return false; |" onclick=";return false; >

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 15 Jul 2012, 13:16
by HeinzPeter
Wow... really. I hate reading reports like that.
The guest world is not supported! I was already wasting my time by searching janus in the member database.
You know that the guest world is not protected in any way.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 15 Jul 2012, 18:32
by dodo2000107
You could replace the "(remember not every world is supported)" by "(Only the member world is supported)" and people should write the coordinates next to the location.


Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 10:16
by ARabidToenail
ive been greifed by diggy hole, daplaya997, janusnyborg1, dragonsphere624, diggy_holee again, bradster123133, Xxawesome23xX, tebowbrady, diggy_holee AGAIN, zonic did show up but i think he was fixing it, MADSTH12, swaggg67676pt4, and then diggy hole like 10 other times.

i was greifed by about 12 people, faith in humanity is lost.... and if you want to see all the screenshot and stuff tell me... byyyyyyeeeeee :censored: humanity