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Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 04:40
by Giants395
And I have not talked to one person that voted no and said it was because it would be too popular. Of course tons of people want the server to be number 1. Many people including myself think that it is a very creative idea and could be popular, but just don't think that it is going to be a long term success.

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 04:41
by davon97
If you wanna sit on a fence you would not even vote btw

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 05:17
by JeffR110
I've seen many instances of people recruiting members for the new nation, some of them guests. I've seen some pretty childish arguments over the idea, im not gonna point fingers tho.

Dodo you already know my thoughts on this but im gonna say it for everyone. The idea of an entire new nation based of a book seems like a bad idea. Not everyone likes the hunger games , i just dont see the long term success. I dont hate the idea, but its current scale is the problem i see. I would be completely ok if dodo started a new town which he turned into an arena for the current towns to use. 13 new towns is asking a bit much. Our current towns already have a hard enough time recruiting people. Why would anyone just be a resident when they could be a mayor or vice mayor of one of the 13 new towns? that's up to 26 new mayors/ vice mayors. At that point, the server could just be full of mayors with no residents.

The simple fact that the server is so divided also proves my point.

So as it is, I don't like the idea of a new nation when our current towns are next to empty

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 06:15
by 301heng
I am going to keep it short as i feel that this whole 3 pages is a waste of everybody's time.

1. Most of the posts you said are just lines and lines of 'Fanboy' rubbish that are extremely one sided ( Davon, Drakee, Dodo.)
2. What you posted is a whole composition full of opinions and hardly any facts.
3. You won hands down, so whats the point of trying to frame Davon with crimes that you yourself did? ( Influencing people)( and dont try to argue that " We are just trying to tell people who have no clue about this topic to vote for the one which is currently winning")
4. Be more mature and learn how to think before you act, you have a brain for a reason, you know?
5. How many people who are with this topic have posted here VS people who ar against?

And dont try of using this post against other people because you will most probably type in a whole essay full of nonsense.

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 10:06
by dodo2000107
about the supposed 14 VS 16 debate.that's false. That's like saying in the election "Oh well this guy has the most votes, but he has less than 50% of the votes so he can't have won". Also, the issue of the amount of towns has been adrssed by the fact there aren't 14 in the beginning, rather only 7 available for mayors to claim, of which only 4 are taken. And the point is you can't start a town without the minimum requirement of 3 other people, and having a small town like that is frowned upon and people don't get away with towns of 4, so we only build as we go, we don't just mass produce towns.

To sum it up, Panem won the vote, no exceptions, and there aren't 14 towns, that's only for the future.

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 14:21
by drakee510
Look who the haters are: Mayors

Supporters: Players

Mayors tend to be more active on the board than everday members.

Also we aren't just random fanboys, I haven't seen the movie, heard about the idea when I started reading the book. I just liked the idea.

Go hate somewhere else.

When all of you where trying to open your town, did people hate?

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 14:25
by davon97
Okay back on my computer. Great. Lemme just read everything and stuff and make my point... PS it will be long. Read though.

The idea of a nation of hunger games to me is as they said not meant for long term, when hunger games dies down (it pretty much did already here), the nation would be... (yeah.)

I actually liked the idea of having towns with respective roles but... people may feel like switching towns easily now that I look at it like if they get bored harvesting wheat for weeks and want to like mine instead then switch to a different job by wanting to change towns... (yeah try to get my point) People changing towns a lot will cause confusion. (yeah thats my point)
47% does not sounds like easy winning for me. I have a doubt if there is enough ppl to keep the idea running as it has not much sense for me to start project that looks like a fail within few weeks... 14 votes exactly fit for dodo and 13 ppl that hope they will become mayor of one of the 13 districts....

^ The fact that you face a lot of opposition = Your idea has something that makes people think it will not work or ain't good. If you have a clear win and stuff yeah it will mean that people would have supported it. (i didn't rig it actually votes arent tampered) LOL i see the coincidence how votes fit .__."
You also have idiots that only vited against it because they no longer play the server such as jtb211 and jamesbegely. Other people just have something against dodo because he is smart and mature.

^ First thing, calling others idiots on the server really isn't recommended keep it too yourself. I personally am not against dodo and also do not really find him smart and mature really... (not that much i mean)
*confetti canon*
Wow, you have no idea how much I didn't like you and i was really tired of having you respond to everything i said in the chat regardless of whether it was directed at you or not, getting involved in everything.

Goodbye, hope you quit smoking YOUKNOWWHAT
^ Hmm, however much you hate someone writing it out like that on the board directing it to him ain't showing maturity.

Oh another point I would like to state is that sure it would be cool to have like towns mass producing stuff and etc and may turn out well. But seriously eg District 4 for fishing. A whole town meant to fish? :O A whole town meant to do a specific job would be like too much that is how I feel. (even though some does require it...)

I know that me asking Darkmage to vote no completely without even telling him anything was completely wrong and would be cheating if he does. Well he didn't so you can't blame anything with the votes. Apologise for attempting to cheat but I just didn't want to see the server I play on with like 20+ days on play time to have a nation based on a book which may fail in weeks as sismut said. I couldn't stand not doing anything but know that my actions is also wrong... :(

Next point is that opening 7 towns at once (okay maybe 4 slots taken so 4 for now) will not be a good idea. You can't get them started that easily and there may not be enough people helping out and joining the town to work on it. Working on 1 town is already hard so hope you get what I am trying to tell you. Even 4 towns at once is a lot.

By the way, District 11 based on farming? So what will the town consist? 60%+ Wheat Field, and the rest for resident houses and stuff? This would be industrial.

There are people who just keep bugging people to join towns and vote for this and stuff. Even if you do not directly get people to join , you may have your mayors making people leave their town to join those in panem. Eventually, other nations will close down. Merc, N-A, would be almost completely inactive. Hp-Empire may suffer a lot too. Not hiding the fact that my town would lose residents too and honestly dont like that. (no one does) In the end, panem will get almost all the attention and it will also die down itself eventually...

About the voting, nobody would want to get people to ask others to vote for something they won't be confident it will benefit them. Would you ask people 'Hey, you know that there is a poll deciding if the nation about hunger games, which was posted by me, to be accepted or not?' No one would ask people to vote unless they are losing. (like seriously lol) If people don't even know that there is a poll well you don't have to get people to know I mean those who are more matured and dedicated to the server would check and see it. By asking people if they like hunger games and if yes,
you would ask them to vote for it (usually in this case they support)
if no,
will you be like 'Oh please vote against the poll please :D) or just tell them nothing and have them not to vote? (:/)

^ In short, asking publicizing the poll would benefit you the most and you will indirectly get more 'yes' .

Mayor rank should not be gettable too easily (this makes in gettable a lot easier) and by opening slots for mayors, there will be people who may not really have experience and are not really suited to run a town but they get their rank they want. (just saying possibility)
about the supposed 14 VS 16 debate.that's false. That's like saying in the election "Oh well this guy has the most votes, but he has less than 50% of the votes so he can't have won". Also, the issue of the amount of towns has been adrssed by the fact there aren't 14 in the beginning, rather only 7 available for mayors to claim, of which only 4 are taken. And the point is you can't start a town without the minimum requirement of 3 other people, and having a small town like that is frowned upon and people don't get away with towns of 4, so we only build as we go, we don't just mass produce towns.
^ Hmm. Agree with how elections work. But know that you have a lot against this idea and people like Jeff, Giants, they been on for like more than a year they know the server. Wonders who exactly are those who voted yes and those no. My point for this is that they care for the server and that disapprove it because of reasons. Not bias.

There are a lot more I would say but it would be boring so I shall not add on anymore. I hope some of the stuff I have stated would help Heinz in deciding if this would be approved. I personally disapprove for a simple reason that it may not be good for the server. I wish for people on the server to enjoy and also be popular but not change the style of how the people here are. HP-Craft is my first and only server that I have been on and enjoy being here so I would not want to see this server change that much and make people unhappy. To conclude, may this be in the rightful place it belongs either in lavabucky or join hpcraft as a new nation.

I will try not to be involved in this any longer unless someone drags me in somehow.

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 15:11
by davon97
Oh drakee BTW we don't hate we oppose to it. This is a nation it is not something light as compared to a town. If it was easy to be accepted I wanna make like an Avengersland too 8)

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 22:56
by JeffR110
drakee510 wrote:Look who the haters are: Mayors
Really? its not just mayors drakee, lots of players "dislike" the idea as well. around or over half the votes are from players.

Also, we don't "hate" anything. I don't hate you, i don't hate dodo, i don't hate the idea. I dislike the idea, but i don't hate anyone. I've already mentioned to dodo that no matter what happens, there will be no hard feelings. Not towards anyone, and i hope the same goes for anyone else that voted no.

We have our reasons for voting no, it's not out of simple hatred or bias to the idea.

Re: New Nation?

Posted: 14 May 2012, 22:59
by drakee510
Sorry I used the wrong word. I see that the people in the discussion that are opposing the idea tend to be mayors.


I also find that some people don't even care about the idea, they just hate dodo or they are mad that they can't get op on the server (not naming a name).