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Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:51
by Coolio665
Stxyzth wrote:You made it sound like you were saying our guests don't pay for it, anyway we choose to not allow members who haven't paid onto our server because that's the usual for most big minecraft server.
It will stay that way for ours.
Sorry, i worded it wrongly
It's not the usual. People in minecraft would like people to actually
ENJOY Minecraft. I finally find something super awesome for once in my life and in a decade (i was born a decade ago) and im not allwoed to it. thats jsut not fair!!!
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:54
by iScreamRiot
i meant it as in you must pay to get full pleasure than sit around doing not with waiting to get in for free, and saving up 21$ ain't that much to tell you the truth.
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:56
by Coolio665
iScreamRiot wrote:i meant it as in you must pay to get full pleasure than sit around doing not with waiting to get in for free, and saving up 21$ ain't that much to tell you the truth.
ummm, im 10. i rarely even earn any money. id have to work for my grandpa for 5 dollars during midsummer out in the heat with no air conditioner for only
5 bucks
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:56
by Stxyzth
It's our server, we pay for the hardware.
Max member allowed on is 42
If we have 20 pemiums on and then 22 non premiums.
We'll get like 10 other premiums trying to connect, they're missing out when they've paid for the game.
It will never be changed as we decide what to do with our server and this is the best configuration to suit us as a community. Sorry it affects you but everyone else had to pay why should you be different.
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:57
by Stxyzth
Also you're not the only 10 or lower age on our server.
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 00:59
by Coolio665
well maybe i could do what i said. but its gunna be hard. even if i say i will pay my mom back... sence im so desperate, i will work for ym grandpa. but i hope my mom will say she will buy it and ill pay her back. cause i dont have a credit card yet :\ YET
UPDATE: (:P) Well itd be a nice idea to do it right now in my time zone right now its not so blazing hot at 7:01 PM EST
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 01:02
by Stxyzth
Well I wish you luck with that and hope to see you on the server in the future. For now I'll close this as the problem was figured out.
Re: IP Error
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 11:35
by HeinzPeter
Quote abuse... I hate it...
HP-Bot abuse! I will add a quick check with that haspaid.jsp. (THX STX)