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Re: Epicity

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 02:11
by Venom_kidd
hi all we need more ppl in our town so plz join our town

Re: Epicity

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 02:14
by Venom_kidd
In-game Name: Venom_kidd
Age: 12
Skills: makeing BIG stuff
Friends in town: Davon97
Why you want to join the town:Vice Mayor

Re: Epicity

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 03:11
by davon97
Venom_Kidd,lal12345 Accepted already and TehBoomPanda will be too if he leaves skytown. :)

Re: Epicity

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 11:31
by davon97

Re: Epicity

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 10:25
by davon97
Removed lal12345 for mining in town.

Re: Epicity

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 12:05
by wparlier
(Filling this out for officiality.) lol

In-game Name: wparlier
Age: 21
Skills: Farming, building complex structures.
Friends in town: Davon, and pretty much a everyone to some extent.
Why you want to join the town: Because Davon is the man, and I told him I would, and I put a lot of work into it, and it's awesome. haha

Re: Epicity

Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 12:07
by davon97
ACCEPTED when officially leave glowford as i said :)

Re: Epicity

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 12:48
by davon97
Kryten4000 accepted

Re: Epicity

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 23:49
by drakee510
Sorry Davon About the pictures for the mall, I have been busy with school.

Anyway should have them uploaded pretty soon.

Re: Epicity

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 00:13
by drakee510
Here is the link to the pictures:" onclick=";return false;

Here is a rundown on the mall.

First off I named it googolplex mall (after the mall on phineas and ferb). It has four wings and a center. Tell me if you need help building it I would be glad to help!