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Re: Epicity
Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 23:26
by mvdhauten
Still no maps/plans. I'm disappointed drake
Re: Epicity
Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 06:19
by drakee510
1.) Finish off mountain
2.) Thaw Ice (not fill in lakes)
3.) Light up new area
4.) smooth land out to make more building freindly
5.) I will create spots for buildings such as the police
Re: Epicity
Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 11:59
by mvdhauten
Me and prgamolvej have thawed ice yesterday. Result? It just reappeared -_-
And smoothing is just flattening? Anyway I'll work ok it.
Re: Epicity
Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 15:45
by 301heng
to thaw ice just put glowstone under, creates a nice effect to the water too. or alternatively have a roof over the water, maybe make a glass ship floating above.
Re: Epicity
Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 18:55
by mvdhauten
buildings i plan to build in the industrial quarter:
-library/workplace for enchantment tables and lots of public furnishes. this doesn't need to be a big building but its practical.
-palace for our mayor. i suppose it should be big and look great, with awesome gardens. could be used to receive guests. i mean from other cities, not the guest rank :p
-indoor pool with lots of slides and a tropic theme, this could be underground if we lack space. i think it should be near the palace.
i hope you guys got more ideas
Re: Epicity
Posted: 02 Aug 2012, 02:55
by drakee510
Freindly check failed? GTFO?
1.) I said I was going to go to TMP for a bit with Minecraft Version Changer (I can play alpha with it
2.) You do know I was kidding about the slaves right? Loosten up
3.) Those public building feel free to build. I mean I want the town to be community driven. I loved your EFC design and I also think the police department would look good with a more modern look with white wool. Hold of on palace, library, and smelting area for I think I have plans.
(PS Like my new Signature?)
Re: Epicity
Posted: 02 Aug 2012, 09:23
by mvdhauten
i know you were kidding, but you should know too bout my sign
you're new signature is a bit distracting..
its cool
I'm going to spend next few days on designing in single player, ill start with the police station and the pool. and in about a week stefan and I will be in france for a few weeks so that means no internet :/
Re: Epicity
Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 14:08
by drakee510
Added Cuppasoup
Re: Epicity
Posted: 16 Aug 2012, 23:06
by drakee510
Added SwaggerWagon1998
Re: Epicity
Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:15
by 301heng
First thing..... Whats up with all the trees? This is epicity, not epitreety there is no NEED for the trees, in fact, it makes the town looks way more cramped than it already is.
Next, whats up with all the cobble around the place? Yes it may be temporary but at least take some effort to make the changes blend in with the environment/ the building. Have some standard in your work.
And remove mega trees.