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Posted: 25 Apr 2011, 14:53
by kyborek
Nation rails
I am glad to say that all towns in hp empire are connected with rails to Central Station.
Here is guide how to use them:
1)Sit in cart at any place (usually station)
2)use /st command with name of destination
3)tap the cart so it will go the correct way
4) after every crossing (except the last one) reuse /st command
Example: "/st cs"

Here is list of what shortcuts can you use
  • /st cs => Central station
  • /st hpcap => Capital
  • /st hptree => public tree farm
  • /st hpsand => Sandbox
  • /st hpmine => Mine for residents of capital (not supported everywhere)
  • /st hptmp => Temporary zone for resources
  • /st sky => Skytown
  • /st crix => Crixville
  • /st sota => Sota Mursu
Here is map with all rails, crossings and stations highlited, also with shortcuts:

Re: [Nation] Everything connected with rails!

Posted: 12 Jul 2011, 22:22
by HeinzPeter
Very nice rail map. :-)


Posted: 12 Jul 2011, 22:24
by HeinzPeter
The shortcut hptmp is not supported anymore.