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Changes after the beta release

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 03:07
by Stxyzth
Since the Beta release caused our server to be taken down and a temp server to be put up we have made some changes to the server.

The role-playing aspect was missing from our server but not any more. We have enabled monsters so it's harder to survive while working in your towns.

We have also added a new rank, the rank is mayor more information here click.

Finally we added a new plug-in, called *Realms*, to protect those precious towns :P. Plugin

Re: Changes after the beta release

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 03:09
by HeinzPeter

Re: Changes after the beta release

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 17:19
by crixtopher23
I dont like monsters. They be bad to me.....