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Minecraft story from start to the end

Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 22:31
by kyborek
History of Lord Kyborek

Hello, today i realised that my minecraft story has ended and so i decided to write it all down (come on my memory...). You may find this story fun or boring, happy or sad. Anyways you might find it interesting because thats why i am writing it. (this story is divided into six chapters for better readability).

Chapter 1
getting into minecraft

My minecraft career started after one January sunday when i way eating and watching TV i luckily seen episode of our TV serial "Game page". Which is the only gaming serial on our TV and its only once a week and is 20 minutes its allways luck to see it. Along with many other new games i have seen gameplay of minecraft and when i saw those "crappy" graphics i was like "wtf do they put it here?" but i have seen that this game is really unique because its survival and very creative and original. Then i had a weird feeling that i havenĀ“t had ever before. something inside me told me "dude, you must have this! :cuinlove: ". First i wanted to try it if its not a crap so i tried free game (classic mode) and found out very soon that its something totally different than what i had seen in TV. After while i found out that it cost quite alot money so i decided to download illegal version (because this has no demo :cry: ) and found out its hell fun! Unluckily the version i had could not save the world so when i made some misstake, i learned from it and started all over again. After dozens of deaths i was disappointed because of saving and also the version was obsolete so lots of stuff werent working (ladders or boats for example). After few days i felt in love with the game so i decided to buy it...

Chapter 2
getting into

After i bought the game, i shared my account with few relatives as well as one friend (and we all got quite addicted). I enjoyed tons of fun and really spent lots of time playing. Because i knew i could make anything i was building really interesting things and unleashing my fantasy...
After a week or so i found out quite boring playing all alone... Oh yes, i could show all those interesting stuff to my friends, but idea of surviving together with someone made me look into multiplayer... Oh, this game has no lobby and it says "...however there are some buggy servers..." ... show me them! In a few minutes i was browsing mclist for some multiplayer server. I tried one and started in a city with epic walls but i was like "hey! give me place to survive!" and logged out... later i found out a server which had propably just started because there was no stuff at all. i met some other players and tried to survive with them which was quite fun. Another day i found out that my items are gone and lots of other ppl are building their homes around and it was not that much of survival...oh and btw on that server i first found out what does "grief" or "griefer" mean (had to look it up on wikipedia). After randomly trying some servers i found server which used hostname instead of long ip *ahh, easier to write* and had interesting banner (survival? freebuild? roleplay?) so i first logged in to "". At the time it was TMP server and quite alot ppl around. So i played an played and my items were protected! (i learned out how to lock chest after i got first griefed). Everything was so safe from other players but it was still survival with lots of creepers outdoors. So i stayed on this server

Chapter 3
Ranks up!
When main world got back i had lots of multiplayer skills and when i seen all those member stuff i decided to join as a member. My application got accepted very soon and i was really happy. At that time was getting into knowing Heinz (which is not that easy with busy ppl :idea: ), but i already knew he is really fun person. After some time of being member and looking for a town that suits me (in tmp world i built really awesome tower with thejubro) i was failing all the time. And because there were no town that would allow big stuff (all rules was like "dont build over borders of your spot" or "maximum 10 high", but that was rather cage than home) i tried to found my own town with friends (that i saved from griefers and gave them home, and they paid me back 10 times for it) we founded Skytown and Heinz allowed our town to be in his nation which was good because we placed it on snowy spot in the nation. This happened two weeks after joining the server which was really interesting (because you need 3 weeks to be trusted member). Anyways this was the time when i really enjoyed Minecraft. After lot of ppl joined and three weeks passed i applied to be Lord because i really really loved that rank and it was accepted so i got all i needed: Friends to build with, spot to build at, cool rank <3. Sad thing is that my friend thejubro was banned because he was little kid and did very stupid thing (oh and btw heinz can see text on all signs that you place -> not confirmed because i got ignored placing signs with "hello heinz" over and over again :nutty: ). Oh and my other friend oozyman5 stopped playing for (yet) unknown reason

Chapter 4
Build it big
Skytown was growing and growing, got linked with path (with help of pantaleao, which is now know as crix) and then rails (awesome). Lots of things changed (tmp-zone, tmp-worlds after updates, more players...). And i also met lots of great ppl (Wbjunky, currently knows as MaxZellner, Stxyzth is not really playing, but he is really funny, Octopodesrex one of my best residents, rollo123 which was with me since i saved him from griefers in guest area ... and many many more). I participated in lots of great projects (the big rail cross was the funniest). During this chapter my real-life friend joined the server and it was really surprising to me because i was "Lord" and she did not want to ashame me (oh yeah, i am talking about sismut). We played together which was lot of fun too and our town was so great. I couldnt play singleplayer because Skytown is my home. Once, i even met Stxyzth in game (after long time since i joined) and i realised that i talked with him many times but did not see him yet (he has cool T-shirt). After some time thejubro got second chance and got unbanned and he told us he is making another server with my friend oozy and invited me there... oh well there were giants and tons of free diamond stuff, but playing in three ppl is not for me, especially when my home is Skytown. It did not take long to get oozy an thejubro banned for advertising their server (after several warnings!). so... all those big projects got me here... Today :)

Chapter 5 the end...or a start?

All this long stuff means that i am definitely stoping playing minecraft. Sismut will become new Mayor of Skytown and i will remain inside as resident for the case i will visit you.
I will try to explain it, because i think you would ask anyways... Do you know why is minecraft so much fun? All games are fun, so why minecraft? Because it is sooo creative. It makes you imagine and build weird things. But in your life there are so much other creative things to do, Minecraft is just one of them. Thats why ppl have professions. My profession is IT (information technologies aka computer stuff) and i love programming. And programming is also very creative, you can make some good program and you enjoy seeing result, ppl will for example use it quite often (best reward you can get for making program -> someone else then you who uses it). Two weeks ago i started making online multiplayer game because : I decided that my skills allow it, i got very awesome idea. I got totally addicted to it just by the time it became playable. In fact, i currently enjoy developing that game much more than playing any games. So that is where i am going to spend my time.
Second reason why i quit minecraft is me. I allways find good game, play it for like a month, and then i find it boring (not finishing it off course). This happened to me million times and i allways expect it when i start to play something new. Luckily good games come back to me after like a year and get another chance (that allowed me to finish "Deus ex" for example...on third try). So it is very possible that i will return to minecraft after long time.

Chapter 6
Grand final
In the end, i would like to say thank you to everyone who was ever friendly to me because there is so huge amount of ppl that made me enjoy this server.
But i would especially like to thank to HeinzPeter, because i realised he is similar to notch, but better. He is very friendy and he runs this server for ALL OF US, not for himself. And i really appreciate that i could have fun on this server for half a year (above average time for me ).
And if you could ever think that heinz is bad or selfish you are wrong, this is little math to prove it:
HeinzPeter wrote:Current monthly costs: ~50 EUR
number of months i was playing: 6
total cost during tha time= 300 EUR
total donations so far=177EUR
additional running cost that had to be paid over past 6 months: 300-177 =~123 EUR
Guess who had to pay it?

So thank you very much all who help making this server peacefull place. I will never forget.
And if you ask me, what i see if someone says minecraft, there is tons of stuff in gallery explaining it.
This one is my most favorite (click to see whole gallery, and btw those are really really old from a place in guest area that still exists and is not griefed):

Re: Minecraft story from start to the end

Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 22:50
by HeinzPeter
Dear Lord kyborek!

I think we had a fun time on this server. :D
We stay in contact i hope. Best wishes for your browser game.
Maybe you want to post the URL here.

sismut will be added as new mayor of Skytown.
kyborek wrote: oh and btw heinz can see text on all signs that you place -> not confirmed because i got ignored placing signs with "hello heinz" over and over again
Hehe, that was months ago. Ops+ don't see placed sign text any more.
But they are still logged into the block database.

I hope to see you at IRC sometimes. :D

Re: Minecraft story from start to the end

Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 07:06
by kyborek
Hello, first about signs it was definitely more than month ago. It was at the time i was still "only" world member.
I will not read board that much anymore but i will definitely be on IRC to check out whats new and so on.
Also when you need any help, you can just ask me.

And last thing, Bot arena multiplayer is too much addictive. (so dont click the link :P )

EDIT: i am glad you read it :)