I am currently making a very awesome project:
I just made some changes + added Capes + Ears (If wanted I could delete ears.)
Over time and time I will be adding a lot more stuff. (hopefully)
Awesome! But how do I download this?
You don't! Outdated, discontinued, useless
Now I have that file! But how do I install it??!
Go to start>run and type in %appdata%, press enter. Find the \.minecraft folder and open it.
Complete: C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\.minecraft
Copy all files from the .rar (You will need an archieving software for this. e.g. WinRAR, 7Zip)
into the bin folder. Overwrite "minecraft.jar" and you are nearly done!
Go to start>run and type in %appdata%, press enter. Go to "roaming", then ".minecraft", again in your "bin" folder. Complete: C:\User\[your user name]\AppData\roaming\.minecraft
Now (like with XP) copy the files from the .rar into the bin folder. Overwrite it and you are nearly done.
Last step:
Choosing a cape/ears skin. Simply go to EDIT: For now, ask me or Heinz for uploading your skins/capes.
In the future use: skin.hpminecraft.de for skins! and cape.hpminecraft.de for capes!
I did all that, but I can't get it working
If you are sure you did all the upper stept right, and it still doesn't work, talk to me ingame or in irc.
If you are not sure you did all the upper steps right, learn to read, or just search some video tutorials, becasue I am not making videos for you.
Important very last step: If it is not working for you download the Java JDK 7
Q: What's the benefit of this client? A: I made this client mostly because I was bored, your only benefit is showing your love to HP-Craft, which I did, another benefit are capes and ears.
Q: Is this fake/phishing? A: This is 100% NOT a fake, and 100% NOT phishing
Q: U iz hax0r u guna steel mah account!!!!! A: Yeah, only your account!
Q: Do I have to pay for this? A: No, this project is 100% free for both, the user and the server.
It is my private little project on improving my java-programing skills, I'm just here to share.
Q: Why did you make this? A: Because I love HP-Craft, thats why I made this client, for giving something back, Heinz pays for all this and you guys steal, grief and kill... sad
Q: I have another question??! A: Alright, ask me ingame or at irc, you can even send me a PM
View ingame screenshots by clicking HERE
30. July 2011
New skin/cape hoster
Some minor changes
31. July 2011
minor changes
Current "Splashes.txt" Configuration: (the yellow texts in the main menu)
Code: Select all
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
#mcHPS :)