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Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 16:18
by Lenniguti7
As some of you may have noticed I am not that active anymore.


- Driver's license (It is actually not that hard but very time consuming because you have to take at least a certain ammount of time in driving practive before they are even allowed to test you.)
- School (My new schedule sucks pretty hard. I have 36 hours a week because I have to take a third language in order to get right into class 11. Also class 11 and 12 are the last ones you are taking and when you are done it qualifys you for university. So I guess for the US guys it is some sort of all-honor/AP system and the level is between highschool and colege.)
- Homework (I know this goes with school but this is actually so big it needs another point. I usually have 2-4 subjects with homework a day and I have to spend about 10-30 minutes on each one of it.
- Sleep after an 8-hour school day I have to sleep like a bear :lol:

This all equals to:

I go to school at 8. I am back home at about 15:25 (or 3:25PM) and then I have to do homework, eat, etc.
So when I am done it is about 17:00 (5PM).

Now I could continue this but I hope you get the idea: I am busy as hell.

I will try to spend some hours on the server on weeksends but duirng school week it's just almost impossible. I hope I have a 32-hour schedule next semester which would enable me to have more fun :D

I still think the server is awesome and I don't think I will be that big of a loss.

Sincerely, Lenni

Re: Inactivity

Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 22:11
by HeinzPeter
No problem Lenni.
Good luck with your license - i bet you get it! (tell us) :)

Do we need a new emperor for Mercatorinos? NO!

Re: Inactivity

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 17:40
by Lenniguti7
Yes I will finish up the theory part tomorrow and then I have to take a test. No problem for a pro like me :lol:
It is 30 questions in 45 minutes should be pretty easy since I did practice.

Re: Inactivity

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 12:45
by 301heng
School at 8? Im jealous of you. Good luck in getting your driving lessons, in your test and hope you get into University :D .

Re: Inactivity

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 16:58
by davon97
Good luck lenni! Btw you should really see my pile of homework XD

Re: Inactivity

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 01:19
by iScreamRiot
Wow i can somehow relate a bit to that, because i got more stuff to do hella of homework then studying, sleeping and waking up early. i barely get a chance to play minecraft. Good luck Lenni!