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Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 15:26
by davon97
Just to clarify but will we be able to keep the stuff you collected from the TMP-world? Just thinking because why else would there be stores selling stuff like wool to others when they are not really even needed.

Re: TMP-world

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 22:05
by GamerIG
Your Inventory will e Deleted, But!
Since TMP will go to the Adventures Portal room. You can put them in a chest and lock it, But look out. If the world goes the the Old one. All the Chest-locks will be gone. So hide it good. :) Hope it helped. :lol:

Re: TMP-world

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 11:14
by davon97
Ohhhh. Okay thanks Gamer.