(Old) Server-News

The latest Survival-Server news!
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World Owner!
World Owner!
Posts: 1611
Joined: 14 Dec 2010, 23:00
Nickname: HeinzPeter
Nation: HP-EMPiRE
Location: NRW, Germany

(Old) Server-News

Post by HeinzPeter »

just a copied from the ingame news:

- # PLUGiN FLOOD!!! (27.11.2010)
- iConomy: /money help, /shop help, /sign help
- ChatChannels: /channels, /chlist, /ch <channel>
- DSMail: /sendmail <to name> <message>, /mail help
- # NEW GROUP SYSTEM (29.11.2010)
- Guests - walk around noobs :]
- Members - world members (build access)
- Trusted - some nice command access
- Operators - world heroes
- Masters - MASTERS!!! :]]
- # NEW PLUGiNS AGAiN (02.12.2010)
- TownyMod: /resident ?, /town ?, /nation ?
- (trusted: /claim ?, /towny)
- BorderLands: MapSize is a 1000P radius!
- # NEW TOOL FOR LOGBLOCK (04.12.2010)
- Use the golden pickaxe for logblock. (still right click)
- Activated MinecartMania Plugin!!!
- Added Hungry Plugin! /hunger AND EAT APPLES!! :]]
- new command for guests: /iwanttobeamember
- # ONE WARP PER TOWN!! (06.12.2010)
- we will remove all warps soon!!!
- so, please get a minetrack to your town
- # PVP ENABLED! (06.12.2010)
- pvp and animals are enabled again
- soon we will add health-enabled=true !!
- # RULES UPDATED! (07.12.2010)
- server is going more and more RPing
- # HEALTH ENABLED!!! (15.12.2010)
Enjoy your stay. HPM! GMAP! STATS!
Save the forests! WWF
Our empty YouTube Channel.
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