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HPO - The Building plans

Posted: 26 Nov 2011, 16:25
by GamerIG
-Please do not move to Lavabucket, Must be editable-

The building of the arena will be simple. First Sismut and Gamerig will make the Stadium basics. and then everyone is allowed to do there part in the building. But please listen to the Headbuilders before building it, he buildings must have a specefic lenght, Shape and the buildings must be in the HPO styles.

Since we cannot afford to pay and find all the Materials on our own we ask you to help us getting the Items/blocks for the Olympics. Donations would be loved and you would help the Hpcraft. The following stuff is needded:
Stone bricks.
Iron ores/blocks.
Gold ores/blocks.
(Colored) Wool blocks.

Our plans:

-The statue-
A big Statue of our Great Heinzpeter. The Statue will be next to the Stadium and be fully of wool. We need 3 builders for this Grand statue.

First Builder:
Second Builder:
Third Builder:

-The running course-
A long line with grass, Needs 15 rows for people to run on. Every person needs his own Start-block. The course must be 200 blocks long and needs to be able to change since the Obstacle course will be also on this Track. We need 2-3 builders for this.

First Builder:
Second Builder:
Third Builder:

-Archery line-
The archery line will be on the Running course too. The builder of this only need to put a long line of White wool blocks to the side and put signs with the lenght on it. So we can see who shot his arrow where. We just need one builder for this.

First builder:

-Spleef arena-
Will be a big circle next to the Stadium. It must be good viewable and there must be water underneath. Also we need to use Redstone for this. So people can't climb out of the arena before the battle is over. We need 2-4 builders for this.

First builder:
Second Builder:
Third Builder:
Redstone Builder:

Builder Forms:
Please post it in the Official HP-Olympics Topic.

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] <...>
[b] First job: [/b] <...>
[b]Second job:[/b] <...>
[b]Third job:[/b] <...>
[b]Other Information:[/b] <...>

Re: HPO - The Building plans

Posted: 26 Nov 2011, 16:26
by GamerIG