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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 22:17
by HP-Bot
Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions post.
Many members were helping with questions and the answers to those.

You may have a question which hasn't been posted yet. No problem!
Just reply on this post with your question and maybe some background to that.

Find your question quickly with CTRL+F and a keyword.

How do I change my pants? (by HPM-Bot)
The solution for this topic was unfortunately not found yet.
Who is the owner of this server?
How do I get unbanned? (credits to drakee510)
Follow the instructions to solve your problem:
I can't join the server! How?! (credits to dodo2000107)
Several problems may be the source. You might have a non-premium minecraft account, minecraft's log-in servers may be down, the IP might have recently changed, the server was recently reset or you may have a problem with your internet connection. You can try using the dynamic IP, shown on the HOMEPAGE or else you should try again in 24 hours. If the problem persists, post a report HERE.
How much time until my membership application gets accepted? (credits to dodo2000107)
The applications are reviewed by the HPM-Bot,
which periodically verifies every 2 hours.

For the case we are currently running a TMP-World,
it may take longer than a week or two.
Why am I not a member? (credits to dodo2000107)
Several possibilities. Either it hasn't been verified by the bot, you did not use the required template or made a mistake. Please READ THIS! (SIGN IN) prior to posting again.
You may ask HERE if you have any questions.
Why am I not trusted yet? (credits to dodo2000107)
Ranks Topic wrote:Known longer than a few weeks
Trusted by other members
Resident of a town
Does this apply to you?
It is up to an operator to decide whether you deserve to be ranked up.
Maybe you have proven yourself not to be deserving or maybe you haven't proven that you are.

Also, you might already be promoted!
Operators do not always reply to applications, so you should look HERE before complaining you aren't promoted.
How do I join a town? (credits to dodo2000107)
You may join a town by posting an application in any of the threads located on
[SURVIVAL] --> [NATIONS/TOWNS]. You need to be a member.
You should ask in-game for recommendations.
Where can I find a market/shopping mall?
You can find the global market in the spawn area.
Where can I build? (as a member) (credits to dodo2000107)
You may join a town or build in the member's area, which can be accessed on the second floor in the gate room. Otherwise you may build in the guest world, but this is not recommended due to the high risks of getting griefed.
Can you bring a guest to show them member world? (credits to drakee510)
Yes. As long as they are not banned from a town.
Use the /guest command.
How do I get in creative mode? (credits to mvdhauten)
Trusted World Members and higher ranks can use creative mode in our Freebuild World.
To access this world, enter the gate in the Central-Station Gate Room.

See this page for obtaining membership.
See this page for obtaining Trusted Worldmembership (membership required)
Can i use client mods (modifications/addons/plugins)? (by zombiechcken)
You should make sure that you accept our RULES before running any client mod.
Of course x-ray, speed hacks and any kind of cheating mods are forbidden...
You still have an unanswered question?
Help us creating a user friendly FAQ and reply with your own question.

Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 19 Mar 2013, 22:20
by dodo2000107
When will the server update?

The server relies on bukkit and certain plugins in order to function correctly.
Once all server plguins are up-to-date and bukkit gets a stable release, the server will be updated.
If you wish to keep an eye on bukkit releases go to" onclick=";return false;
And remember, don't ask us when the server will update : WE DON'T KNOW

Why do we wait for a stable bukkit build?

Bukkit must be updated in order to prevent bugs and exploits.
For this reason the server waits for a stable release to prevent an unfortunate problem
resulting in the destruction of the server.
If you wish to keep an eye on bukkit releases go to" onclick=";return false;
And remember, don't ask us when the server will update : WE DON'T KNOW

Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 22 Mar 2013, 23:00
by GamerIG
Can we Start a revolution against our Lord/Mayor/King/Emperor


Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 17:01
by dodo2000107
What is the meaning of life?


Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 18 Apr 2013, 19:49
by mvdhauten
How is Heinz today?

Good, as always.

Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 05:02
by dodo2000107
Why did the chicken cross the road?
This question still dumbfounds modern philosophers.

Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 08:03
by 0707stefan
Where to find the FAQ on the board?

Well... Here!

Re: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 14:02
by drakee510
Why did the chicken cross the road[fixed]?

To get away from North Korea's Long Range Missile