If you've seen my other post about my stuff getting burned, then you know what this is about. I have proof (Screenshots, Kybo) of rollo admitting to having my pickaxe via chat. He came to our little area with nothing, but after the incident, suddenly has a diamond pick that coincidentally has the exact enchantments mine did. During the incident, I saw him holding it around. (Note: We had only one diamond left in the chest, and he did not go mining before, during, or immediately after the incident). Since then, Kyborek has been involved, but during the sessions that I've talked to him about it, every time I claim a loop-hole in his theories about the time lapse between the "threats", or something of the sort, he has avoided that part of the story. Whenever he says something that was done wrong, he only says what I did, not of what rollo has done. Before the incident, I was provoked by rollo, constantly being hit off the dock for a friendly argument between Jaganaga and I. rollo took sides with Jaga, ending the argument, but not the provocation, continuing to hit me a few times. Kyborek chooses to ignore the part about rollo planting trees inside my house, (which had walls up, so it was legally a the beginning of a house) and only strays to the part about me placing the dirt blocks in rollo's shack, which occured after.
I do not ask for hours of your life, only that proper action be taken, aside from someone named Kyborek.
I'm sorry if this is too great an inconvenience, and Thank you for your time.