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The abscence of the Hp-bot
Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 19:20
by jaganaga1
Is the bot currently down until the server goes back the the main world? Just wondering, because it seems that all the membership applications seem to stop being reviewed and accepted after the TMP world went up.
Re: The abscence of the Hp-bot
Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 19:39
by HeinzPeter
The problem is that the bot doesnt know about any player because the stats are disabled.
So it would just deny everybody who is not listed in the player stats. (unknown nickname)
Re: The abscence of the Hp-bot
Posted: 11 Aug 2012, 03:48
by drakee510
I think HP is lying and making sure the HP-Bot doesn't kill us all with neurotoxin. If HP goes missing we now know why....
Re: The abscence of the Hp-bot
Posted: 11 Aug 2012, 03:57
by jaganaga1
Well, I just think that the guests not knowing why they haven't been accepted might be somewhat discouraging for them, this ignorance maybe brought on by them feeling that it would be rude to keep asking why they aren't member's yet.