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Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 17:12
by HeinzPeter
Not sure, but i think there was no own topic for this discussion, but some posts.

The reason for the board application is mainly to stay in contact with members when they are not online.
We can send them private messages, reply to the town board or check board activity.
For operators there much more information then for members. But there is a lot of info for members too.
The SIGN IN form gives information about any player, for any time.

I have seen lots of other 'make member' systems, and a lot of easier ways to do so.
Our system is not supposed to be easy. People should know about us before getting a membership.
Also they need to know how to use our message board and where to get tree/logs.

We are open for suggestions.
I decline '/membership-now' commands or a web application with entering nickname and pressing SIGN IN only.

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 17:27
by GamerIG
You could make a "MAKE ME MEMBER"-button on the site. But instead of just clicking. You'll get into another part of the site wich asks:

What is your ingame name:
[Fill in here]
What is your E-mail?
[Fill in here]

And then being taken to another part of the site again with:
What is the CS?
[ ] Central Station
[x] Central Stadium
[ ] CS?

Where do you cut tree's?
[x] Your own town.
[ ] At a Tree-farm.

And more qeustions. But like this.
Like sort of a qeustionlist you see in some quizes etc.

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 17:39
by HeinzPeter
What about the board account...?

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 18:07
by mvdhauten
The only people I notice on the board are trusted +. We should make it easier to become a member, with board account as a condition for promotion.
Earlier I posted something about becoming a member when a set number of people approve you. So for example you need five trusted+ votes and one mayor+ vote. Perhaps you can make a /command for that? It would be a whole lot easier for new people, especially the younger ones. Those guests wont use the board anyways, so it isnt really needed they have an account. As said before, it should be a condition for promotion. Just my idea feel free to disagree :P

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 18:09
by GamerIG
HeinzPeter wrote:What about the board account...?
Board account could be automaticly made within this thingy. Or it would be only for the people that want an Board account.

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 18 Dec 2012, 23:06
by dodo2000107
Come to think of it, our system is very nice. What I think, is that we shouldn't change the system, rather we should improve it. That means, the player still needs to read, ask questions, get a board account and fill in an application to become a member, just as it is now. What we have to do is make is EASIER. So, here's a list of improvements I would suggest :
  • 1 topic for things you need to know :
    What I mean is all these things (including topics related by links) :

    Code: Select all

    You know about our world, like our World Members/Towns and
    accepted the rules? Then you are allowed to ask for a membership!
    Create an account to access the SIGN IN board.
    Read the instructions in the README FIRST post!
    We will ignore any question about content we wrote down here,
    and we do not tolerate people who cannot follow our instructions!
    Take a look at our Google Map Overview.
    HELP Topics:
    READ THIS! (Settler)
    READ THIS! (Nation/Town)
    READ THIS! (Town Managment)
    READ THIS! (Adventure Worlds)
    World Members are helping:
    - How to become a member Board Thread made by kyborek
    - Youtube Video made by Lenniguti7

    Sould be in 1 topic, summarized, so that new members don't get confused by having to go from post to post to post. The old topics can stay there in case they want more information.
  • More links to the FAQ, and more info in the FAQ. By this, I mean if we often get the same question in help and support, or the same issue, etc, instead of re-explaining to the player, link him to the FAQ, which could be improved and revised to provide the most precise and easy to understand responses, because sometimes players try to help, then somebody corrects them, and then they get corrected, and corrected again, and so on, and it gets confusing, just like this text.
  • Give the players a REASON to join the board (example : Become a a member and you can get GOLD!) or something of the like.
  • Apply more restrictions. Make guests feel like guests. Make it obvious they are only in the HPcraft "trial version" and will only get full advantages when they become a member for FREE! As an example, limit how many pxlz they can get. Make more frequent resets on the guest world, so they're less tempted to build there. Those two things allow them to use everything a member does, without getting to take full advantage of it, without preventing members from mining in the guest world. Perhaps less commands as well (no /home)

Essentially less walls of text like this one, and more concise instructions.

P.S. I just realized I gave more information on how to get more members rahter than easier memberships, because there are more guests than members.

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 00:16
by tryzzo
Totally agree with Dodo!

The current system is nice,and works fine i think.
The only thing i could think of is what Dodo also proposed: centralising the info on how and why becoming a member, makes it more simple.

Also the fact that guests should actually feel like guests is a good solution. that motivates them to join as member.
The way to do that is up to you and what the server allows.

But overall i really think Dodo got the idea ;)

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 23:26
by dodo2000107
Essentially it's because I don't think guests have a hard time becoming members, it's just that they don't want to and don't feel it's necessary. We have to focus on creating that need, but also making it more simple, because with more people wanting to be members, you want to have less people asking for help.

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 02:24
by drakee510
HP, I made sorta a test thing of what I think the process should be" onclick=";return false;

There is the HTML package.

Re: Easier Memberships! (?)

Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 15:46
by HeinzPeter
Well, i want to keep the current system.
All players should be able to manage an own board account,
including contact other members via board PM.
People dont get that? I dont care. Sorts out stupid people.

What we can change is the 'Getting started...' post.
Feel free to create a new one with all information in it. I would appreciate that.

Also we can add more questions at the FAQ. Free for all... Just post your question.

Thanks drake for the HTML stuff. But thats exactly what i dont want.