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Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 05:17
by drakee510
So people, this is a Public Service Announcement, to NOT BE STUPID.

Here is a perfectly fine example of someone stupid lying to you and its obvious:

<HPSBot2>-> nene5855 joined the game.
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: is there a girl on this server right now
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: i need a girlfriend then i i get prometed to maneger in planetminecraft
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Lies
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: ^^
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: how do u know drakee?
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: You do know "I work for Planet Minecraft"
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: is the biggest lie ever
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: oh
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: used by SOO many people
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: 1.) Everybody Uses that lie
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: no lies i got hired 1 week a go i sweasr to god cross my heart hope to dia
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: 2.) He doesnt Use proper spelling or grammer.
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: im tpying not rigteing duh
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: 2.) Won't bother becoming a member
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: 3.) PlanetMinecraft is run by the community
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: You make have like a couple of owners
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: that pay for the webserver
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: ect
<HPSBot2>G> jameswildfire123♂: Whats plante minecraft
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: but they really dont "hire" people
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: a website
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: well if u work for planet minecraft answer me this:Why do u need a girlfriend nene5855?
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: cause i m lonely
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Well then look for one IRL instead of on MINECRAF
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: well we dont have one online so u can shut up
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: my friends r in california for a week
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: nene im sorry but your pathetic
<HPSBot2>G> jameswildfire123♂: Wildfires are popular on minecraft and IRL
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: How old are you? Be hoenst
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: iam being so rude right now^^
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: 19
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: So what grade are you in?
<HPSBot2>G> jameswildfire123♂: Im 8
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: im in colage
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: me too
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Ok what are you majoring in?
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: wat
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: What are you majoring in?
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: i forgot wats majoring im in purto rice on vacation
<HPSBot2>-> LadySnufflez♀ joined the game.
<HPSBot2>G> jameswildfire123♂: Well theres a girl
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: One does not simply forget what they are majoring in
<HPSBot2>G> LadySnufflez♀: not for long
<HPSBot2>G> LadySnufflez♀: i'm just grabbing screenshots
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Either your mentally retarded or your some 10 year old lying
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: What your majoring in is your career
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: oh cops
<HPSBot2>.oO( olliewildfire hit the ground too hard )
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: cause i get to use guns my granfater was in the army but he died
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: james can i have hoe
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: You dont major in being a cop!
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Your a 10 year old
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: or 12
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: something along that lines
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: James?
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: 15 year old
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: I thought you said you were 19 :P
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: JAMES
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: give my hoe
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: yeah i tricked u
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Well no
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: ty
<HPSBot2>-> CloudRyu joined the game.
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: You proved yourself a fool
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: u proved u shelf a *MEEP*
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: Shelf? I didnt talk about a shelf
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: self
<HPSBot2>G> jameswildfire123♂: Nene your a idiot with no life leave my friend alone7
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: xD
<HPSBot2>G> jameswildfire123♂: Alone
<HPSBot2>G> olliewildfire: Yeah
<HPSBot2>G> nene5855: make me
<HPSBot2>G> Lord drakee510: nene lets just end this
Let's Review for the TL;DR Croud shall we? (TL;DR = Too Long, Didn't Read)

Come online and states they work for planet minecraft
Problems with that:
That is the bigest lie in minecraft...
Why would you need to get a gf for a job?
Who would employ somebody who doesn't use proper grammar or common sence.

I am in college and I'm 19
Poor sap had no clue what a major is.
Being a cop is not a major.

Just people, use your brain. I have about lost hope in hummaity.

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 10:48
by GamerIG
And thats why Hpminecraft doesn't have that much members. Newbs get yelled at. :c

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 11:59
by mvdhauten
this guy isnt a newbie, hes around for some time, and he kept on harassing elle, in the end everyone was pretty tired of him.

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 12:02
by GamerIG
Oh, Well then he should shut up. ;P

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 16:29
by drakee510
GamerIG wrote:And thats why Hpminecraft doesn't have that much members. Newbs get yelled at. :c
No he gets on, lies, twice, acts like an idiot, calls me a fool....

Remember, AS SOON AS HE GOT ON he asked for a gf for a promotion, lied about college (I'm 13 and I even know what a major is so I doubt he is even 15).

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 17:05
by colossusnitro
i agree with all of you hes really anyoing and dosent understand every thing even though hes been here for a few months. when i try to help he acts if im not there or all ways ask s the same question can u help me get a girlfirend :roll:

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 17:28
by dodo2000107
He's not the first. But the players saying they are from planet minecraft aren't annoying, it's the members who are like "what if it's truuuuuue? What if he's really a reviewer and he'll shut down our server or something!!!!!1!!!ONE!!!11!"

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 17:33
by mvdhauten
Or the donators who comment and are like "I'm superior because i <3333three333 this server more than you do"

nahh, just kidding, i have no intentions to offend you

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 19:04
by colossusnitro
right mvd thx for that ..........

Re: Watch Out! Planet Minecraft Needs a GirlFriend!

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 20:02
by mvdhauten
really i meant no offence xD