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Posted: 30 May 2013, 20:11
by Benwildfire12
If anyone has a grieving problem post it here .

Re: Grief

Posted: 30 May 2013, 20:12
by Benwildfire12
I have a grief plz help its in auroe .

Re: Grief

Posted: 31 May 2013, 08:11
by 0707stefan

There is already a grieving section at the board. Use that there!
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=660" onclick=";return false;

And if you really have been grieved, answer with filling in this:

I have been griefed by: <player> (if you know)
Location: <zone|town> (Only the main world is supported!)
Damage in words: <short explanation>
Damage in blocks: <amount> (guess something)
Other information: <long explanation | images>

Re: Grief

Posted: 31 May 2013, 21:03
by drakee510
Plus this is the LONG DEAD FTB forum XD, I may bring her back up this summer after camp :-)