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HAPPY NEW YEAR! (2014 Edition)

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 18:50
by HeinzPeter

This is our fourth year of uptime!
Our first world backup was back at the minecraft beta version: 28.10.2010

Minecraft is not that popular than it was once... But i hope some of you still have fun
while playing on our server which was made for all happy people from all over the world! :-D

Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR! (2014 Edition)

Posted: 04 Jan 2014, 23:20
by mvdhauten
Had there been button I'd have "liked" this post.
HeinzPeter wrote:LOL

This is our fourth year of uptime!
Our first world backup was back at the minecraft beta version: 28.10.2010

Minecraft is not that popular than it was once... But i hope some of you still have fun
while playing on our server which was made for all happy people from all over the world! :-D
There, retweeted.

#toomuchfreetime #omg #yolo

And most of all happy new year everybody!

Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR! (2014 Edition)

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 14:03
by Lenniguti7
Happy 2014 for all of us and especially Heinz who is still maintaining the server and provides us this awesome service!

Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR! (2014 Edition)

Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 05:20
by brencon2
Thanks Heinz for 3 years of awesome!