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Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 23:12
by mvdhauten
We are currently examining the possibility of constructing an inter-imperial highway. This highway would start in Elysium and end in Khorinis, or vice versa, and go through many towns along the way.
Here, I'd like to hear the opinions of the emperors of HP empire and Naturamantes as to where the road could go, for there are many possible routes, especially in HP and NA. Mayors and lords in any empire could also reply to offer labour/resources and wether or not they want their town to be hooked up, though that could be a matter for the emperors too..
Emperors currently involved:
Artesion Empire
Towns currently involved:
Maxtenville (NA)
Khorinis (AE)
Elysium (HP)
Mapletown (HP)
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 14:43
by yupie_123
I also made this route: (Right click the image and watch it in another tab, it might be easier)
The red line is the main route, the route will start in Elysium, it will go through the tiny space between crixville and Skytown (There is nothing there except the railway intersection which ins't used anymore). It will then go right next to Mineoria but not through it, it will cross the river and then go right along peaksville and go through a tunnel in the mountains to Maxstenville, from there it would continue to Ash Bay.
The lime (green) lines are smaller lines which connect some towns to the highway.
The potential issues I see with this route are the Tunnel near peaksville and the passage between Crixville and Skytown.
I am prepared to provide all the resources needed and I would help with the whole part that goes through NaturAmantes. I hope Sis likes this
The roads would change type when transitioning from one to another Nation, Modern style in HP Empire, Nature style in NaturAmantes and Medieval style in Artesion. I have made a template of the road that could go through NA, so far it has received a lot of positive feedback.
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 15:09
by yupie_123
This is another route, because the fact that between crix and skytown there is ice and water and Mvd would rather have a land route (This route should also be easier):
It will not go between Skytown and crix but between Skytown and HP Empire (Mostly on the skytown side).
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 15:18
by yupie_123
These are also some alternatives for routes in NA and through crix and mapletown border:
The Crix-Maple route:
And 2 alternative routes in NaturAmantes:
The purple and red are the 2 routes
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 16:18
by yupie_123
The final road in NaturAmantes, we decided to make a northern route around Mineoria and through the taiga and a southern route through Peaksville and Maxstenville, there would be a huge tunnel for the route peaksville - Maxstenville. This still needs approval of Sismut and n8wing. Bart and mvd have agreed to this.
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 17:43
by GamerIG
Mapletown and its citizens would also like it if they could help with the project. And let the Inter-Imperial Highway cross Mapletown.
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 21:41
by yupie_123
It would be hard to let the highway cross mapletown, first we would need permission of JeffR and second: maple has walls around it doesn't it?
You would be connected to the highway through a road though
And btw here is the final route that I have made: The red line is the main highway, the lime lines are the potential connections to other towns and the blue dots are the towns that could have a connection to the highway.
The towns are:
HP Empire
Ash Bay
Perhaps not all of these towns would be part of the highway but it would be awesome if they were
If you are a mayor/vice and want to connect to the highway I would appreciate it if you were to post it here or tell me, mvd or Bart.
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 23:13
by mvdhauten
Here are the two routes we can use, though we still need Gamerig to agree to the route through his town (he is vicemayor of Mapletown). We can circle around Mineoria if need be, but not around Mapletown.
I've sketched two minor roads connecting the northern and southern highways, as well as border checkpoints at empire borders. This sketch only applies to NA and HP, the route connecting NA with AE is not my business.
I hope you all like this idea.
Open spoiler to see the map
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 23 Jan 2014, 19:08
by 0707stefan
Blue route seems better to me^^
Re: Inter-Imperial Highway
Posted: 23 Jan 2014, 19:10
by yupie_123
So this is an updated map of the whole highway connection, the highway starts from Elysium and ends in Ash bay. However there are now 2 routes: Northern and Southern, Northern route will go via Mineoria and the Southern one will go via Maxstenville.
The blue dots are all the towns that could be connected, the yellow lines are the links (To connect cities to the highway or to connect the southern to the northern highway).
The purple line is the route between North Maxstenville and Ash Bay. The red line is the southern route that goes via Maxstenville, Peaksville, Skytown and Iron City. The green line is the northern route that goes via Mapletown and Mineoria. A potential connection from Glowford to the southern route is not confirmed yet.
This is another map I made that is a little more efficient and easier to understand: