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A little over 5 years later

Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 18:45
by Coolio665
A remembrance of a player from mid-2011.

The majority of you reading this will have no idea who I am, but if you're intrigued, read some of my forum posts from when I was an active in this community (July-Oct 2011). If you can't get through all the cringe, I don't blame you. I had a nostalgic moment today and decided to come back to my Minecraft roots and thankfully was able to login. I read most of what I posted and I cannot believe how stupid, immature, and annoying I was. I would hate myself if I had to deal with someone like that at the age that I am now (16 in 2 weeks). But my time spent with this community and its peoples is something that I will never take for granted or give up the memory of, because this is where my Minecraft adventure started. I wished I had been as old as I am now when the infancy of Minecraft had existed, so I could enjoy it as a mature individual (and I'm not as mature as I most likely will be in the future as I'm only a teenager), versus that of my character as a near-11 year old. But I wanted to thank the earlier community from around the time I played for the good time that I had. It really was quite enjoyable. My first residency was in StxCity, which I really enjoyed, but as it died away, I decided to attempt to join Peaksville, which is, to this day, the most gorgeous town I have ever encountered in Minecraft. Although I was never actually able to join Peaksville before I quit playing HPMinecraft, I had always imagined it, and planned out in my head where I was going to live and what my residence was going to look like; I adored the town. The majority of my time on this server was spent sight-seeing, and I remember all the towns and cities I saw; they were all breath-takingly fabulous. And I absolutely loved the Central Station along with its underground markets and its semi-hidden world portals above. The architecture was just so beautiful.

If I could, I would relive it all over again. I quit over a stupid thing, which being my idiotic and immature self deemed "sexual offenses", probably because I couldn't think of the more accurate description of "vulgar and less than appropriate language". I wished I had continued playing, I regret that I didn't, but in the end, I can't change it, but I am happy to say that I'm glad I found this server.

tl;dr Nothing to say here, it's all above. If you don't care, don't read.

EDIT: Over the years, I have changed my name twice: once from Coolio665 (terrible name--again to reiterate, I was 10 at the time) to Bearded_Walrus, and then another time from Bearded_Walrus to my current Minecraft username, iPixelate. Thinking about changing back to Bearded_Walrus. :)

Re: A little over 5 years later

Posted: 12 Nov 2016, 23:51
by brencon2
I feel exactly the same way Coolio. I joined when I was 10 and this was the first server I visted and I was amazed by it. But I really wish I was my current age(16) when I joined so I could of been more of a help then being annoying but oh well. I did a couple of things tho like helping building the train tracks to all the cities and help with StxCity. I probably the oldest activish member besides mods cause I am the 16th member of the fourms. But now I can not play because some low life hacked my account and changed everything including my email and sold my account. Only way I can get it back is sending mojang/microsoft my reciept when I bought the game but I deletes that email like 5 years ago so RIP minecraft career.

Re: A little over 5 years later

Posted: 19 Nov 2016, 18:04
by itzburnz
Same. I joined 5 years ago as tyler002

Re: A little over 5 years later

Posted: 24 Nov 2016, 03:42
by drakee510
HPCraft brings back so much nostalgia...