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A few questions

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 13:27
by kyborek
Hello, i have a few questions that i would like to ask:
1)Can someone be resident of more towns? I mean if Oozyman5 is resident of HP-Empire Capital, can i officially make him Assistant of Skytown?

2)Can i build a small wooden building somewhere in HP-Empire zone? It would be "Global Archeologic Centre" (or center, i dont know). I could use it then as starting point for quests.

Re: A few questions

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 13:33
by Stxyzth
The towns are set, If someone is a resident of another town then to become a resident of a different town they'd need to leave there current one.

You can only build in your 'Nation' so If you really would like to build in a different town then you'll have to leave your current one sorry.

Re: A few questions

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 14:03
by kyborek
To the Second question:
I am Mayor of Skytown which belongs to HP-Empire, so HeinzPeter said that i was able to build in whole nation zone, but i am not so i will anyways need anyone else to build it. I was just asking if you wouldnt mind that i use small part of shared area

And forgot one thing (i know i start to be annoying, but thats for quest too): Does sugar cane even exist in our world? I need piece of paper and cant get it...