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Town System!

Posted: 18 Dec 2010, 18:57
by HeinzPeter
We are running the TownyMod and there is an option to have global build rights.
As you can see, this is enabled - which is not very good (i think).
New members have to get a home town, where they can build their stuff.
Then we could add a GuestTown as well.

So, Mayors of our world! Please claim your town area now!
The Documentation of the TownyMod can be found here.
Feel free to reply for questions or some bonus blocks (for your town area).

Re: Town System!

Posted: 23 Dec 2010, 19:33
by HeinzPeter
Okay, the Townymod has bugs and you cannot make your town
readonly for visitors. Thats bad, and the whole idea was destroyed.
BUT, there are other plugins doing the job better!
In combination with Realms, its a good way to protect your towns.

A new board is going to be created.. Towns!