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Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 06:30
by HP-Bot
This is the official "I have been griefed" reports topic.
Griefing in other words, is destroying things of other players.
Do not report killing or stealing in this topic.

Many people still get griefed somehow by guests or even by world members.
To enforce our server rules, members can reply here to report violation.
Just post some data about the scene and maybe post some pictures with the block log content.

To prevent people posting single grief reports all over this board,
you should reply to this topic only. Any other posts will be ignored.

Operators, Masters and maybe some Guards will read your post to help you.
Please do not spam in the game and please do not annoy anyone with your grief report.
Post it here, we will read - help - and make you happy with the maybe possible block rollback.

You need to use the following template for your post.
It makes it easier to read and get information about the damage.

Template (COPY AND PASTE):
  • <required>
  • [optional]
  • (information)

Code: Select all

[b]I have been griefed by:[/b] <player> (if you know)
[b]Location:[/b] <zone|town> (Only the main world is supported!)
[b]Damage in words:[/b] <short explanation>
[b]Damage in blocks:[/b] <amount> (guess something)
[b]Other information:[/b] <long explanation | images>
Griefing is against the rules if you are caught griefing, and we have proof,
you will be banned either forever or for a certain amount of time.

Grades aka 'The damage' (Thanks to kyborek for making them.)
  • Personal issue: Somebody stole my torches in the mine.
  • Personal failure: Somebody stole my items because i did not lock my chest.
  • Annoying neighbour: Somebody had built his house on top of mine!
  • Building chaos: A part of my home is destroyed.
  • Property wrecker: Digging through wall and stealing anything that has value
  • Local apocalypse: Destroying whole castle, properties of more people
  • Global apocalypse: Flooding with lava, blocking entrance for guests.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 06:37
by oozy
perhaps we should make a sorta plugin where you type /ihavebeengriefed then you type /setgreifpoint

this basically sends a message to an admin and the admin can then warp to the location use bb and ban or whatver

mabye seeming as i have bb it should be put in some kind of help box where only people of bb can go and help out

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 06:45
by Stxyzth
That's it! We are usually very active on the board so once you have posted it should be sorted very soon.

Please keep the chatter to a minimum on this thread as the less "off topic" posts the easier it is to read.

Do not tell us to ban somebody, we will sort your issue out and with the proof or the grief and the extent of it will determine on whether or not they'll receive a ban.

We cannot just "make" a plugin. Please, off topic chat is to a minimum/nill. It says pm if you would like to discuss something. Also there is a section for suggestions.

I would like to keep this only to have the code I provided and/or any other information about the issue. Others can comment on a griefer but don't just suggest things here.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 09:29
by octopodesrex
  • I have been griefed by: TraneMell
  • The damage is (1-10): 1
  • Any other known information?: Using racist and derogatory comments and griefing spawn

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 13:17
by kyborek
  • I have been griefed by:TraneMell, Atilas
  • The damage is (1-10):5
  • Any other known information?: Tried to solve it but they are just retarded, they speak slovakia which i can understand and that another - for them because they are not nice at all. Made a screenshot:

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 13:21
by Stxyzth
Both banned and dealt with, sorry for the lateness of the reply.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 15:13
by HeinzPeter
Remember, the auth plugin was enabled..

We should ban account names when online mode is enabled.
When disabled online mode, or enabled auth plugin, we ban the ip.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 06:13
by octopodesrex
  • I have been griefed by: unknown, but they left a sign
  • The damage is (1-10): 3
  • Any other known information?: minor damage, nothing terrible. Might have been Trane but I don't really know, nothing major.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:13
by Stxyzth
Griefer was MinecraftNathan and has been banned.

Re: Official "I have been griefed" reports

Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 19:20
by HeinzPeter
He just pm'ed me why he is banned...
I will ban him from the board as well.