Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 14:27
A new beginning
A little natural town settled in the hills.
A fresh place for nature lover!
Feel free to join and help us building something big.
- MaxZellner King
- Cjvalentine Lord
- XDuMxDuMxHuGeNX Builder
- sismut Skytown Ambassador
- nagimomoko Sister City
- Not accepting Applications, try our sister town Albatross.
- EliteNewtonator Builder
- cjvalentine Gardener
- mustark48 (wbjunky) Town Guard
- Morthaimy Builder
- sam9783 Town Guard
- XDuMxDuMxHuGeNX Builder
- xDuMxDuMxDuGaNx Miner
- Jonny845 Trader
- gcano956 Clerk
- Swayze88 Town Guard
- Mclovan Town Guard
- adelac6 Builder
- iScreamRiot Town Guard
- newheart Universal town guard
- Members who wont be accepted as residents.
- aceofall Banned!
- narutoboy5 Banned!
- nucl3arwill Banned!
- XShadowwispX Banned!
- Zeus556 Banned!
- ilovecheez Banned!
- epictail Banned!
- nick7980 Banned!
- megablizard Banned!
- zackhello99 Banned!
- tgamer1st Banned!
- thepoopfish Banned!
- naskamu Banned!
- corymax5 Banned!
- samboyd Banned!
- davynavy Banned!
- funnydutchman Banned!
- mastermoomoonBanned!
- kitkool09Banned! (Greifing)
- tyman1224Banned! (Stealing)
- willimb Banned! (Home distruction)
- mccp Banned! (Home distruction)
- ladiesman_2247 Banned! (Stealing)
- 301heng Banned! (Stealing)
- Vortrekker Banned! (Leaving)
- newheart Banned! (Leaving the server)
Town Google Map
Google Map Overview
Town Rules:
- Dont destroy anything that you did not build!
- Read the signs!
- Don't ask stupid stuff!
- Keep a natural flair, that means: no trees in a row, no more sand harvesting (goto hp-sand), don't take water from lakes/oceans (make an infinite water source)
- Enjoy the nature! (Yes that is a rule )
All conditions are in place to ensure this town only accepts the qualified members.
- Be a mature, relaxed and skilled player!
- Over 15 years old (If you are under 15 years old but still a skilled and mature player I will accept you, talk to me ingame)
- To apply, you need a minimum of three days without another town.
- One week on the server before applying (not in hours played).
- A minimum of 1 month minecraft experience.
- Be an active player which knows some guys in the town.
- Read, understand and agree to the rules (global rules and town rules).
- Well known with all commands, plugins and systems.
- Absolutely no spam, griefing, complaints at forum and ingame, etc.
- Online atleast once a week, (unless post/pm me about inactivity).
- When removing your home, rebuild the area to make it look natural.
Miners (Most of Peaksville is Mined out, use Freeworld for most of mining)
- Explores caves and other underground areas.
- Provides ores and other resources to residents for pay.
- Sets up tunnels and other underground areas for residents and projects.
- Cuts trees down in Peaksville's tree farm's.
- Cuts down trees and other wooden structures that are out of place or obstructive.
- Also find work that would contract you to chop trees for residents.
- We need at-least 2 smart builders to ether help when ask or to build different buildings.
- Build roads and also street lights along paths (no more torch on top of grass or stones along paths).
- Build things that would normally take 2 or more people to build.
- Construct building if contracted for residents.
- Make our town look good, from making rivers and waterfalls, to cutting trees into animals.
- Provide areas to better improve are towns look and feel.
- Work along with builders to make parks, rest stops, paths, ...
- Work along with woodcutters to make areas look good, and cut trees down in areas that have to many.
- Protect are town from grifers and unwanted people.
- Walk around and kill all and any hostile mobs and cows.
- Protect VIP (very important people).
- Protect residents that are building in new areas.
- Manage stores that builders have built or players own.
- Make stores where you buy and sell items.
- Inspect areas and make sure they fit the rule and regulation that are set.
- Sell and buy items, keep the economy rolling.
Contracted- basically a non-permanent job.
This is subjected to change and edits.
Please Post an apply like this:
Only apply if you have accepted our rules and if you meet all conditions
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] <your minecraft account name>
[b]Age:[/b] <Your age>
[b]Reason to join:[/b] <Why you want to join peaksville>
[b]Previous minecraft experience:[/b] <Your minecraft skills>
[b]Previous towns:[/b] <in which town you were resident, If none leave blank>
[b]Do you accept our rules?[/b] <tell us if you accept the rules>
[b]Do you agree with the conditions?[/b] <tell us if you accept the conditions >
[b]Job:[/b] <What job you would like>
Click here!
For pictures visit
Our Gallery Page
Peaksville Tour (PM me if you are interested in doing a video for Peaksville!)
Outdated Videos (By: Eh_Saboteurz)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Thank you for visiting, enjoy your stay.