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[Nation] Register your TownGate now!

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 23:02
by HeinzPeter
The nation room at the CS is ready for town gates.
Mayors of towns in the HP-EMPiRE can register a town gate for their towns.
All i need is one X, Y and Z coord (/coords) and the direction.
That block you stand on when getting the /coords, will be the teleport point.
Tell me where the exit block should be. (North, South, West, East)

Here is a picture:

Re: [Nation] Register your TownGate now!

Posted: 06 Apr 2011, 08:29
by kyborek
Never did that, but this is what should work:
Skytown warpagate to cs: 993,82,105 (Yaw 0)
Skytown exit from cs: two blocks west from entrance