Equestria is a town made with three different sets of people all important to the community. First are the earth ponies who farm and grow crops and livestock to feed and supply the others. Second are the unicorns who mine and use magics (cauldron). Third are the Pegasus who live in the sky and build great structures. The classes are always welcome to take on the other's jobs if they wish although shops will not be set up for them. Equestria will have a shop to allow all the members and visitors to trade. All are welcome to join, but griefing/stealing/etc. will result in a town ban. The nation will be in NA area.
Town Rules
- No greifing
- No chat spam
- No stealing
- No killing
- Follow server rules and respect all players on HPcraft
- Talk about mlp should be done in local channel don't spam global with ooc stuff
- No destroying of natural elements such as lakes/trees/etc.
- Mining will be done in free world
- Houses do not have defined plots but must be a reasonable size mark a zone outline with wood planks and put a sign on it for approval by mayor/vicemayor
- Buildings must look nice, All buildings must go through approval by mayor/vicemayor, use lots of color
- Unlocked chests are considered public, Lock your personal chests
- Leave doors unlocked, although do not enter someones house without permission/invite
- Building style must match the area you decide to build it in
- Build a road to your house, leave no building stranded
- Building ownership must be shown with a sign
- Have fun
- ProgrammersFolly
- dodo2000107
- drakee510
- calvinator77
- keelyscatsmeow
- calvinator77
- ladiesman_2247
- eMko_cz
- Earth ponies(farming): eMko_cz
- Unicorns(mining): nobody
- Pegasus(building): keelyscatsmeow, willyg2014
(G-map overview and images will go here)
-application template-
Code: Select all
In game nick :
Applying for :
Age :
Country :
Are you a brony? :
Do you agree with the rules? :